Professional Development Solutions
Providing educators with enriching grade- and content-specific professional learning opportunities is a first step in the journey of leveraging the power of VR in classrooms and schools. The Optima professional development team is comprised of world-class educators with deep expertise in teaching in VR. Let us help you and your colleagues discover how to optimize your current teaching practices to engage students in Optima’s immersive learning environments.
Our customized professional learning experiences will unlock new worlds of teaching and learning for you - and you, in turn, can bring a whole new world of learning experiences to your students.
Onboarding to Virtual Reality
Ready to unlock new worlds of teaching and learning for you and your community? This self-paced training was designed to allow you to control the time and pace of your learning. It leverages a learning management system (LMS) and ENGAGE to provide learning modules that include companion lessons in virtual reality. The ENGAGE companion lessons provide experience inside the platform so that you can get hands-on practice to apply what you are learning in real time.
Onboarding to Virtual Reality to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Best Practices in VR Instruction
The world of education and the way students learn is changing rapidly, and sometimes it can feel hard to find new ways to capture students’ attention and provide meaningful and impactful lessons! Our customized professional learning experiences will unlock new worlds of teaching and learning for you - and you, in turn, can bring a whole new world of VR learning experiences to your students!
Content Editor Course
Step into the Future of VR Development with Engage Platform's Content Editor Course! You have the chance to master the art of virtual reality creation with Engage's user-friendly content editor. You'll learn how to design, build, and publish your own VR experiences, all without writing any code. With Engage's cutting-edge technology and expert instruction, you'll be well on your way to becoming a VR development pro. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to bring your ideas to life in the virtual world.
Teacher Insights from Our Professional Development
After one in-person professional development session, 82% of educators in attendance felt confident leading a lesson in Virtual Reality.
After one in-person professional development session, 92% of educators were excited to begin utilizing Virtual Reality in their classrooms.
Quotes From Teachers
"The workshop was clear and made me feel comfortable not only teaching using this technology but also supporting other teachers who want to utilize this in their classrooms."
"This was a great experience, one of the best PD's I have taken in a long time!"
"This workshop was AWESOME! I loved the content, pacing and knowledge acquired."
"I am excited for students to apply hands-on learning using this platform."